首頁 / 學校介紹 / 淡水分區 / 新北市立竹圍高級中學(含附設國中部)



本校背倚大屯山系,面向淡水河及觀音山,景色優美。校地面積達4.6公頃,空間、設備俱佳。由於淡水區竹圍地區毗鄰臺北市區, 交通便利,人口快速增加,加上捷運系統之便利,人口膨脹急劇,且區內只有國小一所,國中尚未設立之時,設校需求殷切。竹圍地區國小畢業學生必須至區中心就讀,沿路交通繁忙,地方屢有設校反應。


The campus of Zhuwei High School leans towards the Datun Mountain Range and looks out on the Tamsui River and Guanyin Mountain. Beautiful views surround a campus of 4.6 hectares, and this ideal environment is serviced by a full-range of facilities. As a suburb of the Taipei metropolitan area, the convenient MRT system has brought a fast expansion in the population of Zhuwei. Originally, there was only one elementary school in the area and graduates had to travel all the way to the town center in busy traffic to attend secondary school.The community was in dire need of a secondary school, and petitions were launched to address this need.

To answer the needs of the community and ensure balanced development of education, Taipei County Government approved a plan to build a fourth junior high school, named Taipei County Municipal Zhuwei High School, in the Tamsui area on October 26, 1989. On August 1, 2012, the School enrolled its first batch of high school freshmen, and Mr. Wu Chong-Min was appointed the first principal of this newly upgraded secondary school.

◎ 願景闡釋





◎ Vision ☆Exploration: Actively Exploring - building a good knowledge foundation, career and self discovery.

☆Empathy: Respect and Tolerance - moral education, life education (learning services and care).

☆Art: Appreciation and Sharing - life education (appreciation), art education, and reading activities

☆Innovative Spirit: Research and Innovate - diverse extra-curricular learning and fitness promoting activities




◎ 接軌頂大,放眼國際 國人如何看待自己的國家與文化傳統,如何看待外國人及他們的文化,都是需要學習的課題,竹圍高中與淡江大學課程教學領導所及國際教育國際教育社群網站策略聯盟,組成教師成長工作坊共同培養年輕學子跨文化溝通與前進世界的能力,為他們未來在全球化社會中的生活與工作能力奠定根基。

◎ Intercultural education develop students with global vision How people see their own country, culture, and traditions and how they see others are subjects which require learning. Zhuwei High School has teamed up with Tamkang University, to organize an international education online community alliance, and a teacher's learning workshop was set up through this program, aiming to develop students with the skills for cross-cultural communication and the abilities to march into the world. The target is to build a sound foundation of abilities in the young generation, which will enable them to live and work in a globalised society.

◎ 藝術科技,雲端學習 藉由與台北藝術大學、淡江大學策略聯盟合作教學,發展藝術科技、第二外語及科學教育等特色課程,並運用數位科技、資訊設備及網路系統,達成學校課程媒材數位化、教師教學管理雲端化、學生學習運用行動化等雲端學習目標。

◎ Art and Technology- Learning in the Cloud Zhuwei High School entered into a strategic alliance with Taipei National University of the Arts and Tamkang University to develop programs for arts and technology, second foreign languages, and science education. Through digital technology, information facilities, and networking system, the school has developed multimedia teaching aids, teaching management cloud systems, and mobile learning applications for learning on-the-go through cloud technology.




◎ 多元社團,服務學習

◎ Learning to serve through diverse club activities
Zhuwei High School is surrounded by beautiful mountains and water and neighbors the creative circle of Taipei National University of the Arts. Therefore, art has been a focus of school development. Many related clubs, including tap dancing, dance, orchestra, and choir, were set up through the arts program. Especially, the marching band in the junior high school department has had a long history and brilliant record. Seeds of excellence have been planted; we look forward to seeing new blood from the senior high school department join us in the development of a new and better music culture.



◎ 新建大樓,邁向卓越

◎ New building facilities in pursuit of excellence
The new building was planned and designed under five principles - safe, holistic, ecological, artistic, and hi-tech to achieve a safe campus supported by technology for optimized learning of art and nature.


◎ Google Map

